Cikampek-PT Sinarmas Multifinance is a national private company whose shares are listed is open in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Sinar Mas Multifinance engaged in financial services in consumer financing for two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheel. Currently, the Sinar Mas Multifinance have spread across the region, one in Jalan Ahmad Yani, Shop Central 4 Cikampek.
It is said Taufik, Marketing Staff, multi program by using collateral reg (User owner of Motor Vehicles) to finance the cash for payment transactions on credit. And reg motor be received starting from the year 2000, while for the car reg received starting from 1990. Then, the redemption process can be done in one day.
Still said Taufik, with the usual filing requirements listed in the brochure as fc ID card applicants and guarantors, family card fc, fc electricity bill / UN, fc registration, reg Original, invoice and certificate of motor will make it easier for the survey and the cash disbursement short.
"We will increase the maximum service to consumers. And will expand the network of mediators to obtain results more transactions every day, "said Taufik. (Janoka maulana)
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